Cow Appreciation Day: It’s Not What You Think

Cow Appreciation Day

Have you ever heard of “Cow Appreciation Day?” Unfortunately, it’s probably not what you’re thinking. 

Author: Jason Rapp

What is  Cow Appreciation Day?

 The first Cow Appreciation Day was launched in 2004, in light of Chick-fil-A’s 1995 “Eat Mor Chikin” marketing campaign. The idea behind Chik-fil-A’s campaign was that cows want people to eat more chicken instead of beef.  

In response to this, dairy farmers promoted the idea of a “Cow Appreciation Day” to promote increased consumption of beef and dairy products. Farmers encouraged the public to celebrate by eating at Chick-Fil-A, visiting a cattle farm,  giving the cows a hug, and supporting local dairy farmers.  As you can see, “Cow Appreciation Day” boils down to a manufactured holiday designed to increase consumption of beef and dairy products. 

How can vegans turn Cow Appreciation Day around?

Sure, the original concept of a Cow Appreciation Day is a discouraging example of our exploitative food system.  But, as people accustomed to going against the grain, vegans can turn this day into something much better. To truly celebrate Cow Appreciation Day, enjoy a plant-based milk like oat, almond, or soy milk. Discover your new favorite dairy-free ice cream, yogurt or cheese. Delight in plant-based alternative beef and steak.  Visit an animal sanctuary and make some new cow friends. Donate to a farm animal rescue. Lastly, share with your friends and family what a positive difference you can make for these gentle, sentient creatures by opting for plant-based alternatives to dairy and beef.

Despite the twisted origins of Cow Appreciation Day, together, we can make this day more about truly appreciating cows for the lovely creatures they are. 

Want to find out more about animal-based holidays and how to celebrate them for the animal, not the product? Download the Vkind app! Here, you can stay updated through articles, as well as join conversations with others through the social media aspect of the app.



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