How To Replace Eggs In Your Diet

replace eggs

Author: Jaena Moynihan

Plant-Based Egg Replacements for a Healthier and Kinder Diet

In a world increasingly aware of the profound impact our dietary choices have on health and the environment, transitioning to a plant-based diet has become a crucial consideration. 

This article delves into the multifaceted reasons for reconsidering eggs in our diet, exploring both health and ethical aspects. 

Additionally, we’ll navigate the diverse world of plant-based egg replacements, ranging from the familiar, like tofu scrambles, to innovative products such as JUST Egg and Yo Egg.

Why Replace Eggs?

Health Considerations

  1. Cholesterol and Heart Health: The fat and cholesterol content in eggs can adversely affect heart health. 

About 60% of egg calories come from fat, a significant portion being saturated fat.

Moreover, a single egg contains over 200 milligrams of cholesterol, surpassing the amount found in a Big Mac.

This excess of fat and cholesterol significantly contributes to heart disease. A study published in Circulation found that consuming one egg per day significantly increased the risk of death from heart disease.

Elevated blood cholesterol levels and dietary cholesterol intake were linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease-related mortality, emphasizing the need to limit dietary cholesterol for optimal heart health.

  1. Diabetes Risk: Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition indicates that consuming one or more eggs per day may increase the risk of diabetes by 60%. 

This finding is further supported by a review in the journal Atherosclerosis, showing a 68% higher risk of diabetes in those who consume the most eggs.

Another review found a 39% increased risk of diabetes in people consuming three or more eggs per week.

Understanding the link between egg consumption and diabetes is vital for those seeking to manage or prevent this prevalent health condition.

  1. Cancer Connection: Beyond heart health and diabetes, eggs have been associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, including colon, rectal, and prostate cancer.

These findings underscore the importance of considering potential cancer risks associated with regular egg consumption.

Egg Replacements for Baking

  1. Flaxseed and Chia Seeds: Beyond health concerns, incorporating plant-based alternatives offers a range of benefits.

Flaxseed and chia seeds, effective egg replacements in baking, bring not only a binding quality to recipes but also a boost of omega-3 fatty acids, promoting heart health and overall well-being.

  1. Applesauce: Beyond replacing eggs in recipes, applesauce introduces natural sweetness and moisture to baked goods. 

Rich in fiber and antioxidants, it contributes to overall health, making it a wholesome alternative that transcends the boundaries of mere substitution.

  1. Silken Tofu: In addition to mimicking the texture of eggs in baking, silken tofu offers a protein boost and a creamy consistency. 

Tofu emerges as a versatile and nutritious replacement for eggs in various recipes, enhancing both flavor and nutritional content.

Our plant-based guide to holiday baking offers a few additional methods – read it here. 

Egg Replacements for Cooking

  1. Tofu Scramble: Transitioning to plant-based alternatives like tofu scramble not only addresses health concerns related to eggs but also provides a protein-rich and flavorful option for savory breakfasts or brunch. 

The versatility of tofu allows for diverse culinary creations, satisfying both taste buds and nutritional requirements.

  1. Chickpea Flour (Besan): Commonly used in Indian cuisine, chickpea flour stands out as an alternative that not only offers a unique taste but also provides additional protein and fiber. 

This makes it a wholesome choice for replacing eggs in various savory dishes.

  1. Commercial Egg Replacers: Exploring innovative products like JUST Egg not only offers a convenient cooking solution but also aligns with health-conscious choices, avoiding potential risks associated with traditional egg consumption. 

These alternatives demonstrate that plant-based living can be both accessible and delicious ways to replace eggs. 

Navigating Health Concerns

  1. Heart Disease and Egg Consumption: It’s crucial to recognize the potential risks associated with egg consumption and heart disease. 

Industry-funded research has sometimes downplayed the effects of eggs on cholesterol levels. 

A review by the Physicians Committee, published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, revealed that over 85% of research studies, regardless of funding sources, showed that eggs have unfavorable effects on blood cholesterol. 

However, 49% of industry-funded publications reported conclusions conflicting with actual study results, emphasizing the importance of unbiased research.

  1. Eggs and Diabetes: The link between egg consumption and diabetes risk is well-documented. 

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found a 60% increased risk of diabetes with one or more eggs consumed daily. 

A comprehensive review in the journal Atherosclerosis emphasized a 68% higher risk for diabetes in those who consume the most eggs. 

Understanding these associations is essential for individuals managing diabetes or aiming to prevent it.

  1. Cancer Risks: Eggs have also been connected to an elevated risk of certain cancers. 

The association with colon, rectal, and prostate cancers underscores the importance of considering potential health risks associated with regular egg consumption. 

Plant-based alternatives not only mitigate these risks but offer a spectrum of flavors and textures to elevate your culinary experience.

Tips for Successful Egg Replacement

  1. Experiment with Ratios: Understanding the health concerns related to eggs reinforces the importance of experimenting with different egg replacement ratios. 

This not only caters to individual preferences but also promotes overall well-being. 

Experimenting with ratios allows for the creation of customized recipes that align with health goals.

  1. Consider the Role of Eggs: As we navigate the world of plant-based living, comprehending the multifaceted reasons for replacing eggs becomes crucial.

Whether driven by health concerns, ethical considerations, or environmental consciousness, each egg replacement choice contributes to a more sustainable and compassionate food future. 

Understanding the diverse roles eggs play in different recipes empowers individuals to make informed and health-conscious decisions.


Embarking on the journey of plant-based living, driven by health-conscious decisions and ethical considerations, offers a wealth of opportunities to explore flavorful and nutritious ways to replace eggs in your diet. 

The health concerns associated with egg consumption, including risks related to heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, underscore the importance of embracing plant-based alternatives. 

From the simplicity of flaxseed to the convenience of products like JUST Egg, the possibilities are vast. 

By choosing plant-based egg replacements, you not only contribute to your own well-being but also play a part in creating a more sustainable and compassionate food future for generations to come.



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