Being Kind To Your Kidneys

Being Kind To Your Kidneys

Author: Elli Trueman

This topic is rather close to my heart, as one of my wonderful housemates (we will call her Sarah) had a kidney transplant at a very young age, making the subject of kidney health a familiar topic in our household. Due to her transplant journey and kidney-kind lifestyle choices, Sarah actually ended up cutting out animal-based products from her diet. 

This occurred a few years ago when her hospital results showed incredible improvements in her kidney’s functioning after a 6-month trial period on a recommended vegan diet. Sarah’s transplant has actually lasted her almost 25 years, and she is continuing to receive very positive results from her ongoing checkups. However, I would just like to mention at this point that every individual is different, and if you have genuine concerns about your overall kidney functioning, please seek medical advice from a healthcare professional.

That being said, I think it is very important to raise awareness about how essential kidney health is for our overall well-being and to educate ourselves on how we can preserve them to the best of our abilities. Below I am going to break down the overall function of our kidneys and what foods are the most recommended to avoid/consume in order to preserve them for as long as we can!

The Basics:

So what exactly are our kidneys, and what is their role in our bodies? Kidneys are described as our body’s ‘bean-shaped’ organs, and each one is said to be the size of an adult fist (about 150 grams). They are extremely important as they are “responsible for filtering waste products, releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure, balancing fluids in the body, producing urine, and many other essential tasks,” which is critical for our overall functioning. Not being able to get rid of toxins in our bodies could lead to very serious health complications that could potentially be fatal. The majority of people are born with two kidneys. However, one in every 750 people are born with just one. The good news is that it is still very possible to lead a healthy life with just one fully functioning kidney!

So now we have understood the significance of our kidneys and their basic role in our bodies, it is important to note what we can do to help protect these essential organs. When our kidneys are damaged, waste builds up in the blood, including waste products from food. This is why the food we decide to consume is highly important. By making more kidney-kind food choices, we can try to ease the amount of work they are required to do, as well as attempt to eliminate the toxins they are unable to filter. A kidney-conscious diet is often referred to as a ‘renal diet.’ 

A renal diet is one that is low in sodium, phosphorous, and protein, as well as potassium. It is important to reduce your sodium intake as this could increase your thirst and lead to swelling high blood pressure, and in some cases, even heart failure. Too much potassium could also lead to serious consequences, such as a dangerously slow pulse and even heart complications. It has been recommended to avoid potassium-rich foods and to limit milk and dairy products. Phosphorous is also a mineral that the kidneys may struggle to filter efficiently. 

The long-term consequences of too much phosphorous in the body could lead to poor bone health as well as a result in dangerous calcium deposits in the blood vessels, lungs, eyes, and heart. Foods that are high in phosphorous (and therefore best to avoid) include  . It is also highly important to monitor your fluid intake if you have concerns about your kidney health. Again, I cannot stress enough the importance of seeking professional advice should you have any concerns on this topic.

What Foods Are Recommended:

Now we have discussed the foods best to avoid. Perhaps we should discuss some of the ones we are encouraged to consume for better kidney functioning. Below are the top 5 (from a long list) that have been said to maintain healthy kidneys and may be beneficial to incorporate into your diet:

  1. Blueberries – This tiny delicious fruit is packed full of antioxidants and is often described as a superfood. They are also extremely high in vitamin C, which makes them great for your overall immunity (which helps lower the risk of infections). Blueberries are also thought to “make a fantastic addition to a kidney-friendly diet, as they are low in sodium, phosphorus, and potassium,” which, as we now know, are important to avoid.
  2. Cauliflower – Cauliflower is also high in vitamin C as well as vitamin K and fiber. This cruciferous vegetable is said to contain “compounds that can reduce inflammation,” which is a great help to our overall kidney health. Cauliflower is also very “low in potassium,” making it a great replacement for potatoes which are known to be much higher in this. Cauliflower can also be used as an excellent substitute for rice (which could spike your blood pressure, adding extra strain to your kidneys).
  3. Peppers/Capsicums – Peppers (or capsicums, depending on what part of the world you live in) are also thought to be low in potassium but high in many healthful nutrients. This includes vitamins A and C, which, again, are said to be very beneficial for our body’s immunity. Peppers are also highly versatile and can be enjoyed in a variety of meals, both raw or cooked.
  4. Pineapple – Pineapple is an interesting fruit to be included on this list, as most individuals with kidney disease are often encouraged to avoid tropical fruit. Luckily, pineapple is considered safe because it is low in potassium and rich in B vitamins, manganese, fiber, and bromelain. This is especially important as bromelain effectively reduces inflammation, which can cause kidney conditions to flare up. Aside from this, it is absolutely delicious (and, depending on your persuasion, can even be enjoyed on a pizza!)
  5. Cranberries Cranberries are infamous for being prescribed to those of us who are unfortunate enough to experience frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Researchers suggest one reason this berry is so beneficial is its ability to prevent harmful bacteria like E. coli from sticking to the lining of the bladder and urinary tract. When bacteria adhere to this lining, they multiply and cause an infection that can spread to the kidneys. Therefore it is thought to be beneficial for those who suffer from either poor kidney health or frequent UTIs to incorporate these berries into their diet to reduce the risk of infection (as well as the spreading of it).

As you can see, avoiding animal products and increasing your intake of nutrient-rich, plant-based foods appear to be extremely beneficial for optimal kidney health. 

These are, of course, very generalized recommendations, and it is important to stress that individual diet choices will depend greatly on the severity level of one’s poor kidney function. Any serious concerns should, of course, be discussed with a healthcare professional. You can find a plant-based Doctor or Nutritionist on Vkind. In the meantime, I hope you have found this somewhat informative and that this information will benefit you (and your kidneys) for many more healthy years to come!



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