Be Kind to Animals Month

Be Kind to Animals Month

May is Be Kind to Animals Month. This is a great time to take a step back and appreciate those around you, and show them some extra love!

Author: Madison Frederick

May is Be Kind to Animals Month! This is a month to recognize that all animals deserve to be treated with love and respect, not just pets. They are such a big part of our daily lives in so many ways! Whether it be your pet providing you with emotional support or an endangered being, they should all be treated with love and kindness. Humans are a large reason that animals face so many of the issues and dangers that cause harm and extinction for these beings; such as testing, hunting, farming, and more. This is the perfect time to take a step back and ensure that you are treating all beings with respect and kindness!


Volunteering is one great way to get involved in helping! There are so many different places one can volunteer to help. Farm sanctuaries, shelters, and, more often, accept volunteers. These locations do so much good for animals! Farm Sanctuaries like The Gentle Barn, Kindred Spirit Sanctuary, and so many more provide love and care to farm animals that have been rescued from various situations. These institutions show so much love, kindness, and respect to these amazing creatures. Volunteering is such a great way to get involved and give back for Be Kind to Animals Month!


If you are unable to physically volunteer somewhere for any variety of reasons, donating is another great option! Picking a charity or organization that goes out of its way to love and respect animals is a great thing you can do during this month! Many animal sanctuaries, rescues, and charity organizations are reliant on donations to be able to maintain their current facilities and to continue being able to assist in the way that they do. 

Go Vegan

Going vegan, if you are not already, is the perfect way to get involved and do something impactful in Be Kind to Animals Month! Living a vegan lifestyle means avoiding the consumption and use of animal products in your day-to-day life. Doing this is the kindest thing that you can do for animals! By not supporting the farming of animals, you are standing up for them in an important way. Eating and living in a way that always respects animals is the kindest thing you can do for them! 

To find more ways to be involved, check out check out and the Vkind app for recipes, sanctuaries and so much more!



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