Vegan Diets: The Solution to Obesity?

Some people resort to healthy eating habits to improve or maintain their health. Healthy dietary habits can also help manage severe health conditions. Over the years, research has found that plant-based diets lead to lower rates of obesity and people being overweight compared to diets that include or place emphasis on meats and refined foods. This is associated with the lower fat and cholesterol levels in plant-based meals, helping people achieve weight loss and long-term healthy weight maintenance.

Of course, there’s more to healthy weight loss and maintenance than simply eliminating certain foods — such as meat. In our previous post discussing vegan diets, we highlighted how a plant-based diet could also help reduce your risk of heart disease, strokes, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at obesity and how lifestyle and diet changes, such as going vegan, can help:


Due to the stigma and health conditions associated with both, people tend to mistake being overweight for being obese. However, it’s important to establish the distinction between the two. A feature on overweight vs obesity highlights that obesity is a progression of being overweight. Once a person’s body mass index (BMI) reaches 30 or above, they are considered to be in the obesity range. Today, more than 40% of adults in the US are in this range. Obesity is also recognized as a chronic disease by both the World Health Organization and American Medical Association.

Many harmful health conditions are associated with being obese. The increased inflammation caused by added fat can lead to serious health issues, including over 200 obesity-associated disorders. Obesity is also associated with developing certain types of cancer, depression and anxiety, gallstones and gallbladder disease, and type 2 diabetes, among many others. While there are prescription medications available to help treat obesity, certain lifestyle changes — such as your dietary habits — can have a significant effect on your weight control and maintenance.

Vegan diets vs Type 2 Diabetes

Among the many health conditions associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes is the most common. Considered a global epidemic, obesity is often driven by type 2 diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, nearly 537 million adults currently have diabetes — a clinically irreversible condition, with only 2% of patients having spontaneous remission.

Fortunately, studies have found that optimum weight and glycemic control can be achieved by exercise, implementing lifestyle and behavioral changes, and restricting caloric intake. Of course, one of the best and healthiest ways to do this is by pursuing a plant-based or vegan diet. Vegan diets are sustainable and effective in managing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Plant-based foods are also rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can boost weight management and glycemic control and improve blood lipids.

Vegan diets and adequate nutrition

At the same time, some people worry that a plant-based or vegan diet may not provide the ample nutrition that the body needs. It’s important to prioritize your health when pursuing a vegan diet, as your body still needs adequate nutrition to get enough energy for your daily activities. Fortunately, plant-based and vegan diets include many vital nutrients, such as zinc, which can be found in soy products, whole grains, nuts, and legumes. Meanwhile, beans can be good sources of iron, while plant milk and calcium-fortified juices make healthy sources of calcium. Still, you should consult with your doctor to ensure your vegan diet is still healthy for you and your needs.

For example, for older adults and the elderly, a plant-based or vegan diet can still be feasible as long as you ensure you eat enough plant-based or vegan foods to satiate and fulfill your nutritional needs. Older adults tend to lose muscle mass in their 50s, so filling the vegan diet with enough protein is essential.



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