Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month

Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month

April has long been observed as Parkinson’s Awareness Month, as it is the birth month of James Parkinson, the London physician who was the first to describe Parkinson’s disease in 1817.

Author: Shari Dalal

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurological disease, with Alzheimer’s disease being the most common. Parkinson’s disease is primarily a motor disease and is progressive with a slow gait, tremors, and stiffness symptoms. Constipation, forgetful memory, hallucinations, sleep problems, anxiety, and depression are also observed. The average age of Parkinson’s disease diagnosis is 60 but has been observed in 30 and 40-year-old individuals. Parkinson’s disease is seen more in males than females. Approximately 1 million people have Parkinson’s disease in the United States, with more than 6 million people affected worldwide. 

The onset of Parkinson’s disease is when alpha-synuclein protein clump together to produce Lewy bodies. These Lewy bodies are believed to cause Parkinson’s disease. Over time, dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra or basal ganglia region of the brain experience death. It is not known why these neurons die. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is responsible for motor functions and happy feelings. When 60-80% of dopaminergic neurons die, individuals experience degeneration of motor abilities. Parkinson’s disease is usually attributed to two main factors, environmental and genetics. Pesticides and other toxin exposure may be the root cause of Parkinson’s disease. 

While there is no cure, temporary surgeries such as pallidotomy surgery, deep brain stimulation, medications, and lifestyle changes have been shown to be beneficial. Pallidotomy surgery involves destroying a small area of the brain called the Globus Pallidus interna and is performed to alleviate rigidity and dyskinesia (involuntary movements). Pallidotomy surgery is usually performed on one side of the brain, with the opposite side of the body experiencing symptom relief. In some cases, both sides of the body have also been relieved of symptoms. The outcome of the surgery varies among patients, with some experiencing greater relief as well as variance in relief duration than others. 

Levodopa/carbidopa is the medication that is the most often prescribed as it has been shown to provide the most benefit. Parkinson’s disease hits close to home as my aunt was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in her 40s. Her initial symptoms were stiffness in her right arm, progressing to being unable to bend the arm and use her right hand, to eventually having balance issues. She had pallidotomy surgery in 1995 and, with medication, lived a better life for approximately 5 years. As early as 2001, symptoms started to return with the disease progressing, and any relief she had experienced from surgery is now gone. 

The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease is increasing as the population ages. Still, not much is known about this disease’s etiology. Tremendous research is being done with the hope of finding the disease in its early stages and taking measures to slow down and ultimately stop the progression of this devastating disease. 




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